Accessibility Statement

Accessibility is a top priority.

The Dime Bank is committed to ensuring the accessibility of its website and all other online and mobile banking services for both customers and consumers with disabilities. The Dime Bank website and other online and mobile banking services offered by The Dime Bank will conform to the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitations Act of 1973, and Department of Justice (DOJ) web accessibility directives in accordance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0 & 2.1), Level AA conformance, and the United States Access Board’s Section 508 Standards.

With regards to The Dime Bank’s website and online and mobile banking services that are developed, maintained, or offered through approved information technology support vendors, The Dime Bank is committed to compliance with the standards of Title II of the ADA, Section 504, and DOJ web accessibility directives.

The Dime Bank will ensure that customers or consumers with disabilities are able to obtain the same information and engage in and take advantage of the same services within the same time frame as individuals without disabilities, with equivalent ease of use. The Dime Bank will further ensure that customers or consumers with disabilities are not excluded from using, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subject to discrimination with The Dime Bank’s website and online and mobile banking services.

Submit feedback if you would like.

If you enjoyed using the The Dime Bank website, or if you encounter issues with any page on our site that presents a challenge for individuals with disabilities, please submit your feedback on the form below. 

Regardless of whether a formal complaint or grievance is made, if The Dime Bank becomes aware of inaccessible content, appropriate access will be offered as soon as possible to the party making the report. It is the standard of The Dime Bank that the party making the complaint should not have to wait for investigation of the complaint to be completed before receiving the information they were unable to access.

Accessibility is one component of The Dime Bank’s broader strategic approach to accessibility. The Dime Bank has made accessibility an integral part of the overall strategy for The Dime Bank’s online presence.

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