man and woman signing papers

Loan Payment Options

The Dime Bank offers several convenient ways for you to pay down or make a payment on your Dime Bank loan(s). We appreciate you choosing The Dime Bank and offer you easy and secure options to repay your loans.

Conveniently transfer funds from your Dime Bank checking or savings account to pay your loan. You can even set these to recur monthly!
  • Log in to your online banking account (LOGIN button above)
  • Click the Transfer tab
  • Select the loan to want to transfer your funds to
  • Enter your payment amount
  • Select Submit.
You can set this transfer to recur each month that your payment is due by selecting More and changing the frequency to Monthly, then pick your date and select Submit.
Transfer funds at no cost to you from your Dime Bank account or from your account at another financial institution. Our helpful Dime Bank staff can assist you in setting up automatic payments. Visit your local Dime Bank branch or call us for assistance. 
Use Online Payment Portal to make a loan payment.
Transfer funds at no cost to you from another Dime Bank account through our toll-free telephone banking service, 1-866-Dial My Dime (1-866-342-5693).

Call Loan Servicing at 570-253-1970, x 7767 (there is a fee for a live telephone transfer).
The Dime Bank
Loan Servicing
PO Box 509
Honesdale PA 18431

Thank you for choosing The Dime Bank!
Young woman at the desk using a laptop.

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